Being an Employee is Truly Awesome

How to Stop Hating Mondays in 3 Simple Steps

Davide Migali
The Startup


In a world that celebrates entrepreneurship, being an employee has become synonymous with being a low-achiever, lazy and stale.

This cannot be further from the truth! Being an employee can be awesome but very few people know how to take full advantage of their privileged position.

This doesn’t mean that it is better to be an employee than an entrepreneur. Those that choose the high risk — high reward domain of entrepreneurship have this fate written in their DNA. They are acutely aware that not heeding the call would result in a disproportionately intense emotional pain, irrespective of the challenges that this decision will entail.

I have nothing but respect for entrepreneurs as most of the things we enjoy today are results of the massive risks these individuals have taken. However not everyone has that mindset, the same risk tolerance or the same appetite for ultimate responsibility. The good news is that a successful and enriching life is within the grasp of every employee too.

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Davide Migali
The Startup

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