Being bored at work is not your fault (and the one proven way to change it).

Marvin Marcano
The Startup
Published in
6 min readJun 18, 2018


Have you ever felt bored at work? You spend time walking briskly but aimlessly around to look busy, when you know you’re disengaged?

You spend your time at work aimlessly online or going through your Instagram feed.

As growing, evolving humans, it’s natural to become bored at work. It really isn’t your fault. Work seldom evolves with you.

Why boredom happens:

You’ve plateaued

Sometimes we don’t want to admit it, but you’ve really done as much as you can in the position that you’re in. It’s gone past the point of automaticity and to the point of “doing just enough so you don’t get fined.”

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Your perfunctory approach has but one end result. Downhill. If you ignore the signs, your work becomes sub-par and eventually, not only do you feel bored but your work relationships suffer. You are now seen as the weak link. It’s why some great athletes leave at the top of their game. They become bored, disengaged and instead of hurting their stats, they ride off into the sunset.

“You either die a…



Marvin Marcano
The Startup

Personal Development, Fereelancing, and Writing. Becoming a better person. You should too.