Being Busy is a Myth

You can find the time you need, you just have to look for it.

Lexi Harris
The Startup


Photo by Robert Bye on Unsplash

This woman I know was recently telling me about a guy she’d gone on a couple of dates with. She was into him and she believed he was pretty into her too. He’d told her he was. But now he was half ghosting; one-word response days after she send the question, not available to talk, out of town.

“He’s really busy,” she said.

There’s no such thing as busy.

For a while, I was busy. You know that kind of busy that makes you feel like your pitbull is laying across your chest and you can’t get a full breath (just me?). It was that kind of busy.

I worked a lot. I worked at my regular full-time job and I juggled a few side hustles. I participated in a sport with ideas about being semi-pro, so I practiced. I practiced a lot. Six days a week, three-ish hours a day.

I’m not bragging. Some people wear busy like a badge of honor. It wasn’t like that for me. I thought being busy was how things were for grownups with jobs and hobbies.

Until I realized that being busy is a lie.

We tell ourselves that we are busy because it is easier to be busy than to admit to others and to ourselves what our priorities are, what they should be, and the difference…



Lexi Harris
The Startup

Learner. Writer. Educator. Finder of things and folder of cranes. A better version today than yesterday, hopefully.