Being Productive When You’re Naturally Unfocused

Meditate, always work in clean spaces and create a checklists?

Ben Rogojan
The Startup


Photo by Andreas Klassen on Unsplash

We have all heard the cliche tips for improving productivity and focus.

Authors like Darius Foroux cover this subject heavily. And the advice always seems to be about the same.

You might have even tried to implement a few of them. You’ve got a half started checklist scrawled out on the dining room table and you told yourself you would meditate tomorrow morning.

But let’s be honest, it just doesn’t seem to work for you.

Focus is a skill like anything else. But like any other skill, some people are more inclined to be good at it than others

Similar to the way that Micheal Phelps has a huge advantage when it comes to athleticism. Others were blessed with the ability to have laser like focus no matter what is going on around them.

Now, this doesn’t mean if you can’t focus at the level of Warren Buffet that you can’t be a successful person. It doesn’t mean you can’t be productive or get things done. It just means you need to learn how to manage your scatter brain in order for it to be productive.

Just to clarify, I am not saying you can let your mind wonder freely and jump from task to…



Ben Rogojan
The Startup

#Data #Engineer, Strategy Development Consultant and All Around Data Guy #deeplearning #dataengineering #datascience #tech