Belief Beyond Function: How to Activate Purpose in Your Product

Steve Whapshott
The Startup
Published in
6 min readMar 2, 2021


Two inter-connected circles. On the left, a solid green circle represents the “functional” aspects of a product or service. On the right, a larger blurred blue circle represents the more abstract and emotional aspects of “belief” in a product or service. The two circles blend in the middle with a connecting black line.
Finding the balance of function and belief. The rational with the emotional. The tangible and the intangible.

It’s never been easier to launch a new product. According to Harvard Business School, annually more than 30,000 new consumer products are launched.

But with this fast-track to launch comes a hard truth: of the 30,000 new consumer products launched, 95% fail.

The competition for customer attention has never been greater.

The market is flooded — all with “the next big thing” — ready to grab at your attention.

The effect is a sea of product and business mediocrity.

What’s led to this state of the market? And what can you do to avoid “industry norming” and stand out?

It’s a confusing market for today’s consumers.

Their attention fought for in every waking moment of their everyday lives. Their data gathered and shared willingly or unwillingly with prospective sellers. Products projected upon them by brands in time (increased rate) and money (increased spend), all desperate for their attention.

You only need to glance at Instagram to see how “paid for” ads have infiltrated a culture of photo sharing, turning a once personal expression into a business-driven need for attention.



Steve Whapshott
The Startup

Creative Director / Designing products with purpose and brands with bold futures @ Publicis Sapient, ex Frog Design, ex Idean