Best Practices for Building JavaScript SDKs With TypeScript

Cesar William Alvarenga
The Startup
Published in
5 min readJul 19, 2020


Currently, making an SDK has become a common way for companies to make their services more useful to customers who need further customization. SDKs not only let you create new tools efficiently but also make the process easier for everyone involved because everything is pre-built. In this first article, we’re going to see the best tools to build your JavaScript SDK.

What is an SDK?

A software development kit (SDK) is a set of tools that provides a developer with the ability to build a custom app that can be added on, or connected to, another program. SDKs allow programmers to develop apps for a specific platform.

5 Principles of a Good SDK

Before developing an SDK, you must keep in mind the following principles:

  • Good DX (Developer Experience). It must be easy to use by other developers by providing simple interfaces.
  • Good Documentation. Developers will need a place to get started or get additional details about certain aspects or features of the SDK.
  • High Performance. It should have a minimal impact on your customer’s application performance.
  • Modernized. Keep it updated with the latest JavaScript specification, techniques, and tools.

