Better than Average

Take your spot in anyone’s top-5, by simply flexing your humanity

Ryan Roghaar
The Startup


You’ve heard it a thousand times before, “you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” This little nugget of wisdom attributed to the late, great Jim Rohn is a simple way of illustrating just how influential the relationships we have in our life can be.

It’s funny sometimes just how nonchalant we can be with the people we share ourselves with. Often, we don’t even recognize the influence had on us by others — for good or for bad — until one day, we’re standing in the mirror wondering what the hell happened.

With relationships, intention is key. Sure, seeking out and identifying people to surround yourself with who can help you achieve personal or professional goals is dandy. Obviously, it’s a must-do. However, if you are finding people for the sole purpose of bolstering your own personal growth you might not be properly motivated. What if, instead of the selfish act of surrounding ourselves with the best top-5 we can assemble, we flipped the script and worked to become worthy of making someone else’s list?

But how? It can be easy for us to spot those by whom we would like to be surrounded by. Maybe they have a great family, a good reputation, a massive social following, a successful YouTube channel…



Ryan Roghaar
The Startup

CEO at R2. Co-Founder at Revvy. Consultant. Artist. Writer? TBD.