Blockchain as the Board, AI as the Director — Corporate Governance 2.0

Erman Akdogan
The Startup
Published in
10 min readNov 22, 2019


AI agents sitting among the board of directors, blockchain governing autonomous corporations, traditional proxy voting being history: we are witnessing a major disruption of corporate governance nowadays. What are the new rules for distributed autonomous organizations? What are the implications of emerging tech for corporate governance, workforce, and even course of economics history?

Could artificial intelligence enable the so-called “perfect information” condition of economics theories so that everyone would have perfect information before making decisions (enabled by AI)? Furthermore, could blockchain enable everyone to participate in decisions being made without friction (voting on blockchain) and thus reinforce rational decision making? If so, this could mean that we are closer to the imaginary general equilibrium theorem now than ever. Walrasian general equilibrium was about modeling every entity in the economy and calculating the optimum productions, subsidies, prices for a maximized efficiency of the economy iat large. It was purely a theoretical concept and a method for thinking previously. However, if the super-intelligent AI agents make it possible to gather & synthesize all the information for everyone, and if they all can easily vote for any decision via blockchain, we potentially can arrive at a detailed economic model that maximizes the economic output, aka general equilibrium.



Erman Akdogan
The Startup

Director, Emerging Technologies,Chicago. Magazine columnist & #tech author. #science #art #life #blockchain #ai #math