Blue is the New Orange

The Startup
Published in
5 min readJun 4, 2020


Azteco vouchers are now redeemable directly to Bluewallet, bringing our best in class user experience to a wallet that allows you to redeem to Lightning. Bluewallet is doing great work to make getting and using Bitcoin and Lightning trivially easy. It is exactly this sort of tool combined with Azteco that will cause Bitcoin to spread globally.

Bluewallet…what is it?

Bluewallet is well designed and easy to use Bitcoin wallet, that is making great advances in the “Consumer Bitcoin” space. It is super easy to use and understand, and redeeming your Azteco Voucher takes only a few steps.

Press “Scan”…

An example voucher.

Point it at the voucher and it’s instantly recognised…

click redeem….


And it’s done!

This is clearly a very easy way to get Bitcoin on to your wallet, and buying an Azteco Voucher is even easier. All you need to do is find a vendor, pay and receive your voucher. There’s no sign up, no time wasting. It’s exactly the same as topping up your mobile phone with airtime.

Bluewallet is an ethical Bitcoin tool. It only does what it needs to do to help you get things done; just like a cellphone only requires you to tap in a number to call someone. This is how Consumer Bitcoin services work. They’re easy to use and don’t intimidate or frustrate the user. They’re going to be recommended by satisfied consumers world-wide who simply want to get on with their lives and have the tools they use serve them, and not the other way around.

Bitcoin is Normal

Normal people, all of them cellphone and Bitcoin users.

Bitcoin is a part of normal everyday life, just as cellphones are. It may seem like a strange idea right now to people not familiar with Bitcoin, but so was the idea that everyone would have a phone on their wrist.

The Dick Tracey wrist phone from 85 years ago is a perfect example. What seemed like a total impossibility is now a commonplace reality. The idea that consumers need to have a bank to manage their money will fall to Bitcoin and tools like Bluewallet. It is inevitable because the increase in efficiency Bitcoin unleashes across the entire market will make The Transformation irresistible.

Imagine the following scenario. Petra is an ordinary Londoner. Curious about Bitcoin, she buys an Azteco Voucher from one of the many sellers in her city on her lunch break to see what Bitcoin is like. She needs to send money back to Malaysia weekly, and is fed up with the services she’s been using. Petra doesn’t like to waste her time!

At the bottom of the voucher is an instruction to download Bluewallet. In less than a minute, she has downloaded Bluewallet and started it. She points her phone at the QR on the voucher. It redeems instantly.

She’s shocked. “Do you mean that’s all there is to it?” Yes Petra. That’s it.

Before having to think about anything, she can now send this money to Malaysia without having to move any muscles other than those in her thumb. She has just been converted into a Bitcoin user. She immediately resolves never to use any other method of sending money, and starts to tell her friends to get on to Bitcoin, because it is the best thing since WhatsApp.

This is exactly how WhatsApp spread, and it is how Bluewallet will spread; people realising that they can send text messages, make calls and send images globally without having to pay, and then realising that if all their relatives and friends are on it, the service becomes more useful for them.

Every person Petra contacts will have their own circle of friends. They will onboard them…and then…the cascade begins. And remember also, that Bitcoin is just like money, so the incentive to use it is even greater than free texts and calls.

For Bitcoin to spread everywhere, normal people must be put at the centre of the services built on it. Bluewallet does that, by making it very easy to use Bitcoin and Lightning.

The vast majority of people experience hard fought for and well engineered security in messaging apps as invisible layers. The instant on-boarding, seamless user experience and zero friction activation in Consumer Bitcoin apps will build on that work to preserve your privacy whilst keeping everything light, easy to use and trivial to understand.

As Azteco spreads, our vouchers will be redeemed in different contexts and through multiple gateways, pushing the Bitcoin exactly where consumers want it to go. The most important part of this is the user; designing for the user, and helping the user. Without users, the entire ecosystem is constrained.

The market will be layered with many applications serving different functions; there will be a rich choice of tools to suit every need, filling every niche, nook and cranny so that all users are satisfied.

Just as Azteco serves its function in the market by doing what it does, Bluewallet serves its function in the market, and the market decides what takes off and spreads everywhere.

Without Bitcoin getting into the hands of users however, the Bitcoin can’t flow, and as it is the life’s blood of the economy, it must flow, for “The Transformation” to take place.

We at Azteco are very exited to be working in the new category of Consumer Bitcoin, applying decades of proven techniques and thinking to this transformative new tool. And this is just the beginning.

Follow Azteco on Twitter.
Get BlueWallet for your iPhone, or Android.
Find a Vendor, try Azteco.

