Brain-Computer Interfaces — Controlling a Computer With Only Your Thoughts?

Sarah N.
The Startup
Published in
13 min readDec 16, 2020


An intro to how they work and how they’re being used.

Image from Premier Health

Part 1 — types of BCI’s + how they work

Part 2 — inner workings of the brain

Part 3 — current projects + the future

Whenever you use technology, there’s a middle step.

You need a keyboard to type, a mouse to move a cursor, and a remote to control that animal toy you had as a kid.

But imagine a world where the middle layer didn’t exist; you could control these devices with just your thoughts.

It might sound crazy now, but an exciting emerging technology could make it a reality.

Brain-computer interfaces (BCI’s), have the potential to make this possible by essentially cutting out the middle step — and leaving you to control devices with your mind alone.

What Are Brain-Computer Interfaces?

Brain-computer interface = a device that allows a person to communicate with machines by means of only brain activity. Also known as brain-machine interface (BMI).

Like the name suggests, BCI’s enable the brain to interface with a computer. It’s essentially a device that allows you to talk to a machine with…



Sarah N.
The Startup

Thinking about the distant future and ancient past.