Brain Dump Your Way to Less Stress

Write it all out and move on with your day.

Leanne Johnson
The Startup


A brain dump is a highly effective way to combat overwhelm, reduce stress, and calm your mind. All it takes is a couple sheets of paper, or a notebook, and a pen. You can brain dump when you’re feeling overwhelmed by a massive task list or when you’re planning a new project.

What’s a Brain Dump

At its most basic, a brain dump is a list of everything that’s inside your mind at any particular moment. Essentially, it’s a form of brainstorming. Instead of coming up with new ideas, you’re putting to paper everything — all the ideas, tasks, needs, and wants — currently on your mind.

Benefits to Brain Dumps

There are many benefits to doing a brain dump, including reduced stress and working to eliminate feelings of task overwhelm. There are additional benefits to the process when it’s done by hand, but if digital tools are better for you, go for it. The important thing is getting the information out of your head.

Reduced Distractions

Brain dumps combat feelings of overwhelm because they help to reduce mental distractions. When you have many ongoing tasks your focus is divided between everything on that to-do list. And when you…



Leanne Johnson
The Startup

Usually found with a pen and paper or rolling dice with friends. Messy, creative, and a little chaotic.