Build a Dynamic Search With Stimulus.js and Rails 6

Understand the essentials of Stimulus to jump-start your app

Maria Schuessler
The Startup


Photo by Andrew Ridley on Unsplash

Before 2018, the Rails framework was stuck in the past. There was a new, dynamic JavaScript way to separate browser-side and server-side development. The web was suddenly built not out of divs, but out of components. It was a faster, more modular approach. Then, the team behind Rails released Stimulus.

Rails 6 integrates beautifully with Turbolinks, which speed up web applications by intercepting HTML requests via HTML. However, the downside of Turbolinks is that they wipe out the entire <body> of the page. This is where StimulusJS comes in.

If you haven’t heard of it before, Stimulus is a lightweight JavaScript framework by the creators of Rails. Think of it like a lightweight React.js— or a less painful Angular.js. Stimulus works by creating a set of controllers to store state and refresh dynamic attributes of the page. I’ve put together a primer to using StimulusJS here, so make sure you are familiar with the framework before starting this search tutorial.

Step 1: Make the base application

The first steps are creating basic MVC for Rails —skip this if you already have an application. I’m setting up an application with PostgreSQL to…



Maria Schuessler
The Startup

Music Product @ TikTok | Former Full-Stack Dev | Editor of StirCrazy! Mag | London-based |