Build a Quantum Circuit in 10 mins — ft. Qiskit, IBM’s Python SDK For Quantum Programming

Learn Fundamental Concepts in Quantum Mechanics, Build & Execute A Quantum Circuit using Python on A Real Quantum Computer!

(EJ) Vivek Pandey
The Startup


Enter the Quantum Realm

If you’ve stumbled across this page in the vast Medium Universe, chances are — you’ve already heard some rumors about all the amazing things quantum computers can (or potentially can) do — including a future where quantum teleportation might be a reality ;).

But how do you even get started as an everyday person who isn’t a scientist in one of the research labs? Maybe I can help since I was on the same boat myself until a few months ago.

We’ll start with some fundamental concepts in quantum physics and tie them to the inner workings of a quantum computer. Then we’ll go through a hands-on Python tutorial using Qiskit SDK by IBM Research to see these concepts in action by coding, simulating, and even running a Quantum Circuit on a Real Quantum Computer!



(EJ) Vivek Pandey
The Startup

Creator of Veniqa. Co-Founder of Qarece & HackWears. Data Scientist, Senior Full Stack Engineer, R&B Recording Artist, Producer. (