Build a Twitter Login Component Using NextJS and Python Flask

Empower your website with a Twitter Login

Xiaoxu Gao
The Startup


Created by Xiaoxu Gao

In this article, I’m going to show you how to integrate a Twitter Login Component into your website using NextJS as the frontend and Python Flask as the backend. They are communicated via RESTful API.

NextJS is essentially a React Framework. The biggest shining part is its static generation (SSG) and server-side rendering (SSR) which gives the client less pressure and the application is SEO friendly.

Flask is a micro web framework in Python. The core of the framework is simple and light, but you can extend it easily based on your requirements. There are many open-sourced Flask extensions on Github.

In this article, we will combine these two frameworks to build a Twitter Login Component. You can add it to your website if it needs some sort of authentication.

The solution here is not language-specific. You can replace it with any other framework or language like VueJS, Express, Java, etc.


In this component, the user will press the login button, they will be redirected to the Twitter page to enter their username and password. If the credentials are correct, they will then be redirected to a new page in…



Xiaoxu Gao
The Startup

I’m a Developer with a focus on Python and Data Engineering. I write stuff to talk to myself and the world. You can find me on