Build an AI Stock Trading Bot for Free

Create an Artificial Intelligence Model to Manage Investments

Roman Paolucci
The Startup


Photo from

Quantitative Trading

Algorithmic trading is increasing in popularity as new technology emerges making it accessible to more quantitative investors. I have written in the past about the development of algorithmic trading systems in Java. However, Python has incredibly powerful analytical libraries with easy to understand documentation and implementation. This article will introduce you to the core components of developing an algorithmic trading system in Python, as well as deploying a trained AI model to execute live trades. The code for this project and laid out herein this article can be found on GitHub.

This article will be broken up into the following steps:

  • I: Connecting to a Brokerage House
  • II: Trading System Development
  • III: AI Trading Model Development
  • IV: AI Trading Model Deployment
  • (Bonus): Cloud Deployment

Connecting to a Brokerage House

The first step is to connect to a brokerage house which will allow us to receive live data about the securities we are interested in trading. For this article I will be…

