Building a Company Culture That Attracts (And Retains) Talented People

Are your employees happy?

Shannon Willoby
The Startup


Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Do you know (or care) if your employees are motivated and happy in their current positions? If not, you should.

In fact, you should care a lot. Why? Well, unmotivated employees spend their days taking desk selfies (and searching Linkedin for new opportunities) while motivated employees go the extra mile to ensure not only their own success, but the company’s as a whole.

If motivation is a problem in your office, you may want to look at the culture of your workplace for the solution.

After all, Arte Nathan via Smart Blog says, “Motivated employees will do everything to make what they’re doing great; they’ll be role models for other employees, and they’ll be the best advertising for a company’s brand and products. The key is getting employees to love where they work.”

Don’t Hate, Appreciate

Would you be motivated if all you ever heard was criticism about your work? Now what if your work was ignored by your boss or direct supervisor altogether?

Just as this sounds awful to you, this sounds (or possibly already is) awful to your employees.

