Business Insider ranked the Top 50 banks in Europe. Here are their APIs.

…if they have them yet

Greg Dickens
The Startup


I wrote a piece a little while back about how a new regulation in Europe is forcing banks to share their data through APIs and is opening up a huge wave of opportunity when it comes to developing new digital products on top of this financial data.

Banks have until later this year to fully comply with this regulation, but many are ahead of the curve with making their data available through APIs.

I wanted to do a quick round-up of what’s out there already and see where the best place to start is if you’re someone looking to build a new product that will take advantage of this new opportunity.

Last year Business Insider ranked the Top 50 banks in Europe by size of their assets (or the amount of loans they have issued).

I went through this list and checked out what each of these 50 banks has to offer (or doesn’t have to offer) in the way of APIs and Developer portals.

Here’s what I found.

1. HSBC (UK)

Currently HSBC only has the most basic (and not very useful) informational APIs available with documentation and sandboxes (ATMs/Branches Location, Product information).



Greg Dickens
The Startup

Maker, recovering banker, living in Greece. Building affordable digital tools for local news and other indie publishers at