How to explain the VALUE of your business and the Big Mamma Group example

The Startup
Published in
5 min readJun 26, 2019


While working as a consultant for entrepreneurs and companies in different development stages, one of the questions I get asked the most by my clients is “how do I get my customers to understand the real value of what I do?”. This sentence usually comes along with the following: “I do so many different things, that is so hard to explain!”. That’s why as a Marie Kondo disciple (for business, not for my house unfortunately) I really pay attention to the importance of organising the building blocks that structures the business concept as much as to developing it. A great idea has no power if you’re not able to get it across in a way people understand.

But first things first. What is a “business concept”? And what is “value”? I see a business concept as a short and clear statement that explains what the business does and what makes it unique. The value, in this context, would be the perceived quality that customers get when in contact with the business.

The Big Mamma Group is a great example because they explain their business concept in a seamlessly way. Victor lugger and Tigrane Seydoux met at HEC Business School and knew from…



The Startup

Paris-based brand strategy consultant. 🔥 I write about the new generation of entrepreneurs and the authentic strategies behind their businesses.