Calling A No-Interest Loan “Buy Now, Pay Later” Should Be Very Illegal

When sneaky marketing f*cks with the economy.

Jano le Roux
The Startup


Money with a label that reads “pay later” and a wooden puppet pushing a shopping cart with a label in it that reads “buy now”.

Buy now pay later sure sound nice, doesn’t it?

  • You buy something now.
  • You pay for it later.

It sounds way too nice.

And that’s the problem.

What they didn’t tell people:

Buy now, pay later is actually a loan.

  • It means it can mess up your credit score.
  • It means you’re using money you don’t have.

But bad marketers love to sugarcoat sh*t.

And now we’re entering a recession.

The big problem with buy now pay later

It brings out the worst in humanity.

Humans are simple creatures.

We like pleasure without responsibility.

  • That’s why people flee to Netflix.
  • That’s why people start using drugs.
  • That’s why people cheat on their partners.

But what do all of these have in common?

Short-term gratification leading to long-term pain.



Jano le Roux
The Startup

I craft zero-bs marketing that doesn't feel like marketing. Award-winning brand expert ready to lead your brand's growth. Connect: Join me ⤵️