Can A Computer ‘Own’ Something?

Erik Brown
The Startup
Published in
7 min readApr 16, 2019


Photo by Tianyi Ma on Unsplash

What can’t a computer do nowadays? Automated machines and algorithms interact with us so much now, it’s hard to remember a time they weren’t there.

The phone you carry with you everywhere is a miniature computer. The television has turned into a computer as well; not to mention the vehicle you drive. We shop via computer without ever having to leave our home.

The Apple Watch you wear on your wrist can monitor your heart beat. In fact, a few of these devices have even saved lives. Talking about monitoring lives, you also trust these systems to fly the airplanes you travel in. A number of things being done in the cockpit of a plane are automated as well.

We even trust finding a mate to computers too. A new phone app called AIMM actually matches people by using artificial intelligence. By asking the user a number of questions, it matches them with a mate the algorithm thinks is appropriate. When a match is made, the app explains in detail why the possible choice is an ideal selection.

In a 2015 study, an algorithm was shown to able to know your personality better than your own spouse if it was fed 300 of your likes on Facebook. At points in the study, the algorithm knew the person’s personality better than they did themselves.

However, with all these abilities, could a computer ever own…

