Can eBooks Be Sold as NFT Art?

If things work out, I’ll mint this article as an NFT.

Sebastián Calderón
The Startup


Image courtesy of the author.

Book publishers and distributors are already dabbling into the world of selling NFTs not too different as to how big shopping brands like Adidas and Nike are.

Time Magazine is selling covers as NFTs, and every freelance marketplace on the Internet is requesting writers in the NFTs niche as if the world was ending tomorrow.

In theory, NFTs can be any kind of digital media, and that includes ebooks, articles, and written digital content in general.

Even this article could be minted as an NFT under the right circumstances, opening a whole new uncharted land of digital possibilities for writers.

But seriously, how can a writer compete in a world populated by video, GIFs, and moving illustrations?

When I go on OpenSea, the first thing that shows up for sale isn’t exactly an article selling for 10 ETH.

How can a writer create an NFT?

NFTs can be any kind of media. The most famous ones to be sold have been music, video, and GIF illustrations. Their most popular file formats include JPG, PNG, GIF, MP4, WAV, and OGG.



Sebastián Calderón
The Startup

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