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Can Use of Blockchain transform AI?

Before there was Blockchain, there was Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Vinay Nair
The Startup
Published in
6 min readJul 24, 2019


Blockchain technology is frequently touted as the harbinger of the fourth revolution, it is hailed for its immense potential to transform businesses around the globe. Another quite disruptive technology of the modern times is Artificial Intelligence or AI.

What happens when you bring the two together?

How can blockchain technology contribute to furthering AI’s potential?

The possibilities seem to be endless...

Before we have a look at the major ways in which blockchain technology can revolutionise the way AI works or is applied, let us first have a quick glance at what these two effective technologies are:

What is Blockchain Technology (DLT)?

To put it very simply, blockchain is a technology that was originally meant for storing transactions but can now be extended to a variety of use cases. It stores a motley of information in the form of basic units called blocks. Each and every block is identified by its unique and original hash value.

What is more, each block also carries the Unique ID of its previous block. What this does is, it binds the blocks in the form of a…

