Can We Achieve Economic Sustainability in the U.S.?

Ahmed Muneeb
The Startup
Published in
7 min readFeb 6, 2018



Sustainability is the ability to continue a defined behavior indefinitely.

Economic sustainability is the ability to support a defined level of economic production indefinitely. In the United States, “economic sustainability” is often a much mentioned term but never taken seriously by those who make policies.

The two party system exemplifies this:

The Democratic party always sounds the alarm with pretending to care about the middle and lower income classes as well as achieving economic sustainability and closing the wealth gap, yet when it comes down to making policies that truly lead to economic prosperity for the masses, they have hid behind short term policies that have been outdated for decades.

The Republican party, on the other hand, views economic sustainability in the form of corporate structuring and corporate tax cuts, hiding behind the Reaganesque policies that was viable for the economic crisis in that specific time, citing that the economic prosperity is only found from the top down. This economic philosophy still persists today, as the corporate tax reform was passed and signed in to law in late December 2017.

Instead both parties are guilty for the millions of dollars being spent on pet projects for local districts and projects that never…



Ahmed Muneeb
The Startup

Sr. Mgmt Consultant @ InfosysConsulting. Writer. Contributor on @thestartup_, @TheAscentPub, @thrive, and @thoughtcatalog. 2M+ views and counting. Views my own.