Can We Reunite Immigrant Families Using Technology?

Jacquelyn Iyamah
The Startup
Published in
7 min readSep 10, 2019


‘Reunite’ is a user generated database that reconnects separated immigrants. — A UX Case Study.

Project Summary

Thousands of families have been separated due to immigration policies in the US. While many were ordered to be reunited with their parents; today, several have still not reconnected. I designed a platform called ‘Reunite’ to help us visualize what the process of bringing families back together could potentially look like.

Role: Solo User Experience Designer | User research, Information Architecture,Usability testing, UI design, Prototyping.


In my discovery phase, I examined interviews, articles, and reports to get a better understanding of why families have not been reunited. After sorting through this information, I was able to highlight some major pain points.

“There is no tracking system. No comprehensive information-sharing system, and no reliable method by which we can have real-time data on the actual location of a parent…

