Can You Build an Entire Business Around One Article?

Crushing the “publish more” myth.

Victoria Kurichenko
The Startup


Image credit: Melpomenem on iStockphoto

How would you feel if a single blog post could turn into a profitable business one day?

As a content marketer, I never thought it was possible. The content creation process looked like a rat race at some point. You don’t have a right to stop. You have to keep producing content to get noticed. Otherwise, your competitors will outperform you right away. It’s challenging, expensive, and time-consuming.

The “publish more” approach only generated a so-called “spike of hope.” A newly published article immediately gets views from the existing audience and social media. However, it does not last long. After some time, it flops and never gets traction anymore. Does it sound familiar? If yes, you are not alone!

Hundreds of businesses create content that no one ever finds and reads. Is there a way to use resources more effectively? Hell, yes! You can build an entire business around one article.

Yes. It is possible

As a content marketer, I deal with hundreds of published blog posts daily. I often see the same issue — only a few of them bring actual customers.

Apparently, companies follow the “publish more” approach and later complain about not…



Victoria Kurichenko
The Startup

SEO specialist. Content writer. Helping companies attract potential customers through organic search results.