Can You Start a Writing Career When You Are over 50?

Chasing the dream of writing when the world says you might be too old

Thomas Plummer
The Startup
Published in
9 min readFeb 28, 2020


By FG Trade on iStock (image licensed by author)

“Sometimes people ask if I regret “wasting” all those decades before I learned to believe in my writing and take it seriously. No, I tell them, I was gestating, amassing experience and material I tap into when writing my poems today. Things happened as and when they were meant to.” -Rebecca Foust

You are a person of life, of experience, one who has loved, lost, fought and survived the nastiest days of life. You are one who has lived and tasted the sweetness of life but also one who never gave into the bitterness of a life gone wrong. You are a person of a “certain age” and you were born to be a writer.

We celebrate the young writers who achieve success and the internet overflows with lists of the “Best Writers Under 30,” but what about you, the one who might now be over fifty and who has dreamed your entire life of becoming a writer, one who creates the novel that has always been in you or write poetry that makes the rest of us weep?



Thomas Plummer
The Startup

A simple life dedicated to leaving the world a little better than I found it. Long career in the business of fitness, writer of books, speaker, personal coach.