Can’t Focus at Work? How to Fix Your Focus (10 Simple Tips)

Just when you’re ready to start the day you can’t seem to focus. We’ve all been there.

Dan Silvestre
The Startup


You know exactly what you need to do. Your to-do list is ready, you’re prepared to work.

You’re full of energy.

You’re just about to start.

But something is missing. Your focus is gone, your brain drifts off.

Have you ever been there?

Being unable to concentrate sounds like daily bread to some of us and a never-heard-of to others.

When you’re unable to concentrate your thinking process isn’t clear. You can’t focus on a task and maintain attention.

So let’s break it down.

Bad Concentration At Work Can Become a Major Issue

Lack of focus can lead to making big mistakes. It affects your decision-making.

Interesting fact:

Most of us can only stay focused on any task for just 8 seconds.

These distractions take up time you didn’t account for.

Not to mention the time it takes you to get back to being productive. Only recovering from distractions



Dan Silvestre
The Startup

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