Case Studies: The Most Powerful Piece of Marketing Content Available

It’s the hard-hitting sales letter, testimonial, and ‘arm around your shoulder’ bonding piece all rolled into one.

Kevin Katzenberg / Life Reboot Project
The Startup


Some posters in a store front window.

I grew up in the days of infomercials, zany comic book adds for Sea-Monkeys, and the ‘operators are standing by’ ads which flooded the TV airwaves of the seventies and eighties.

I also remember tons of ‘junk mail’ coming to our house growing up, all containing reams of paper in the form of a sales letter.

It didn’t matter what platform these ads used to connect with the customer; they all contained certain elements to separate you from your hard earned cash.

In the new age of content marketing, sales tactics have mellowed in favor of smoother education pieces and opinion blogs, which are now such the rage on business sites.

I’ve been on a kick lately of recommending case studies to different business because I see the potential of these things. They kind of combine the bat slamming effect of the traditional sales letter and the smooth subtleness of the blog. (Then they stir in a little testimonial for good measure)

Defining the case study.



Kevin Katzenberg / Life Reboot Project
The Startup

Designing work around living my life | Freelance Writer | Travel Addict| Food Lover | Technology Lover