Casey Neistat on Virality

Advice from one of the best content creators on the internet

Joseph Mavericks
The Startup


If there are some people who know a thing or two about virality, Casey Neistat is definitely part of them. The Youtube star has amassed over 12 million subscribers, 2.8 billion views, and has over 1000 videos on his channel. For about 2 years, Casey was putting out one high-quality vlog per day, pulling in massive amounts of traffic. He became one of the most famous and recognisable Youtube personalities on the internet.

As someone who has cracked the youtube code and established himself as a leading content creator on the platform, Neistat recently had a few interesting things to say about a very popular concept: virality.

What is virality anyway?

In a recent interview on Ashley Graham’s Youtube channel, Neistat was asked: “How do you make content that goes viral, and what does that even mean today?” For anyone looking to make a career and/or business online, this is a very relevant question. The internet is a crowded place, and finding your audience as a brand owner is much harder than it was 5 or 10 years ago.

  • There are 5.11 billion unique mobile users in the world today
  • There are 4.39 billion internet users, an increase of nearly 10% from 2018



Joseph Mavericks
The Startup

Living with a purpose and improving myself is changing my life — I also make Youtube videos: