Chatbots and Millennials — A Match Made in Heaven?

The Startup
Published in
4 min readNov 28, 2018
Photo by Jacob Ufkes on Unsplash

2018 is about to end and it is safe to say that it has been a year of chatbots. And millennials are largely the reason for it. According to a study conducted by CARAVAN, about 2 of 5 millennials think that chatbots provide better service than humans.

About 70% of the millennials who have used chatbots have reported it to be a positive experience. Millennials are gravitating towards using self-service options like chatbots, instead of engaging with people.

So why exactly are millennials and chatbots a match made in heaven? Let’s find out.

Instant Solution

Millennials value speed and efficiency more than their previous generations do. Being the first generation to experience the smartphone era, millennials are not used to waiting. A chatbot caters very well to this need by interacting with multiple people at the same time whereas, in the traditional method, it just wasn’t possible.

Chatbots provide instant solutions which reduce the turn-around time.

A chatbot has predefined answers set in its conversational flow, hence it responds with a required response in no time. Millennials are more likely to opt for a chatbot with quick answers than go for a customer care number or an email which will most probably revert to them saying ‘We will get back to you in 2–3 business days.’

Conversational Way of Getting Things Done

With the rise of Facebook, we are experiencing social media apps having us hooked to them because of their conversational nature. Millennials are always interacting with their friends and followers via various social media apps.
Not just that, they are even consuming information, playing games, shopping and doing much more via social media apps.

According to a study, millennials in the US spend nearly 30 hours a month on social apps.

Millennials prefer texting than talking

Apart from engaging with millennials on platforms they are already using, chatbots also engage them in a conversational and informal way. It is no surprise that big brands like Domino's and Starbucks have already deployed Facebook messenger bots to take orders and arrange for delivery of food/beverages accordingly.

So now, millennials prefer to rather type ‘I want a Margherita pizza with olive toppings’ than dial up the pizza guy’s number!

Disruptive Technology

Millennials are known for being tech-savvy. New technologies do not intimidate them, unlike their previous generations. Millennials won’t mind waiting in queues to get their hands on the latest phones and other gadgets.

Millennials do not shy away from welcoming new technologies.

Chatbots are a product of the latest disruptive technology — Artificial Intelligence. AI learns and adapts itself to meet the needs of users. By just using the technology, millennials have an influence on the course of AI in the near future. Millennials take pride in leading the digital revolution.

When compared to their previous generations, millennials are more open to trying out new technology.

Millennials react more positively to chatbots and this is the reason why more and more brands are gravitating towards implementing chatbots in their business.

Chatbots improve the ROI of your business.

Not just for the type of user-base you serve, chatbots are being implemented across industries for a variety of other reasons which make them a promising technology. As chatbots are on the way of becoming mainstream, it has become more important for companies to implement well-constructed chatbots that fit their business flow well.

Can your business generate leads even while you are asleep? Yes, it can!

Is your business ready for the chatbot revolution?

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