ChatGPT: How It Will Shake Up SEO As We Know It

Onyedikachukwu Czar
The Startup
Published in
7 min readFeb 5, 2023


Image Credit: Gocmen from iStock

At the moment, there are incentives for individuals and businesses to create good content on their websites and prep them for SEO.

Firstly, they will rank, then secondly, they can monetize them using tools like AdSense. But if ChatGPT and similar chatbots become dominant, this incentive will disappear, as users will choose to search using the pages of these chatbots.

When that happens, things will start looking ugly.

Without fresh and quality content, these chatbots will lack data to use and train themselves, and this will degrade the quality of their answers. By this, chatbots like ChatGPT are designed to destroy the very ecosystem their survival and competitiveness depend on.

This scenario is for the long-term, and it will be bad for SEO; but in the short-term, the biggest threat to SEO will be people using ChatGPT to churn out low-quality content, and content that Google’s algorithm can flag as sperm.

Already, Google has hinted that its algorithm can detect AI-written content. The tools for this may not be very accurate, but they’re bound to get better.

Now, once a site is found to be scalping content using AI, Google said such website will be demoted, and being demoted is a nightmare for site owners.



Onyedikachukwu Czar
The Startup

I write: AI | Personal finance & growth | Tech. I sieve the noise and then share with you everything that's left.