ChatGPT Will (And Is) Transforming My Writing, But Not In the Way You Think

Meet my new research assistant

Eve Arnold
The Startup


Photo by Barbara Zandoval on Unsplash

I harp on all the time about the fact that if you want to, 2 hours is more than enough time to build a sustainable side hustle.

In fact, it’s my whole business ethos.

Work hard for 2 hours, in a deep flow state, and you’ll have enough content for the day, do that for 365 days, and you’ll build a brand as a byproduct.

Anyway, things have just got x10 easier with ChatGPT. And if you’re a part-time creator, that’s incredible news.

Quantity vs quality

I’m all about quantity to get to quality. It took me 2 years to write anything worth reading on the internet, for those 2 years, I focused on output. The mission was simple: write as much content as possible.

And I did.

As you read this, I’ve written 828 articles.

But now my focus is shifting to quality. I’m not talking about polished, I don’t do polished, but I’m talking about enhancing pockets of my writing. Like improving stuff that I know needs improving. The way I see it, there are endless ways to improve.

