Cheat Sheet for AWS ML Specialty Certification

The Startup
Published in
9 min readAug 15, 2020


a highly important and carefully crafted piece, * this will only be useful after completing the entire course on Udemy

AWS Certified ML Specialty Badge | Source: AWS

Udemy Course for AWS ML Specialty

Cheat Sheet

Reduce the cost of Automatic Hyperparameter tuning on SageMaker

  • use log scales on parameter ranges
  • less concurrent while tuning, cause it learns in different runs
  • have the smallest range of hyperparameters

Recall is an important metric in situations where classifications are highly imbalanced, and the positive case is rare. Accuracy tends to be misleading in these cases.

  • Ex: Fraud Detection

Cheat Sheet for Confusion Matrix —



The Startup

Engineer at Amazon | Polymath in progress | AI/ML | Film | Writer | India’s Former Fastest Blindfolded Rubik’s Cube Solver | Get in touch: