Classes and Objects in Ruby

Ruby is an object oriented programming language.

Anjali Jaiswal
The Startup
5 min readJan 11, 2021


Now for the uninitiated let’s start with the beginning. To understand the concept of a class let’s take an example of a real world physical entity, a dog, which will represent a class. There can be many dogs with same behaviour(or states). Now, you can take one dog in particular, let’s say tommy

Now tommy is an instance or an object of a the class Dog, because it has all the behaviours of that class. A dog has 5 possible behaviours: eat, sleep, walk, bite & woof. It also has functionality that allows you to change its state, you can feed it, for it to be eating.

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that allows you to manipulate an object via methods. You can change the state of an object by performing certain actions on it. You can call those actions, a method. There are few core concepts of OOPS programming:


Let’s say to communicate with tommy we have 5 commands or in Ruby terms, methods, now tommy can eat(), sleep(), walk(), bite() & speak(). Now, if there is one more dog, Sophie, she can also have access to all those 5 methods independent of Tommy. Sophie and Tommy can exhibit different behaviour at any given point in time.

Encapsulation is achieved when each object keeps its state private, inside a class. Other objects don’t have direct access to this state. Instead, they can only call a list of public functions — called methods.

So, the object manages its own state via methods — and no other class can touch it unless explicitly allowed. If you want to communicate with the object, you should use the methods provided. But (by default), you can’t change the state. So if we have another class called Cat, it won’t have access to Tommy, as in Tommy can’t “meow” because tommy is an instance of class Dog.

In general encapsulation is achieved via access control. These three methods are used in Ruby for access control: private, protected and public.


Inheritance is the ability of related classes to share behaviours through a hierarchical structure of single inheritance. Subclasses inherit the methods from their parent classes. It’s called single inheritance because a given class can only ever directly subclass from one parent class. In our example, let’s add one more class called Animal which would be our superclass. By subclassing the catand Dogclasses from this shared ancestor Animal, both of those subclasses will inherit the behaviours and attribute of the Animalclass .


Polymorphism is a made up of two words Poly which means Many and Morph which means Forms. In Ruby, it means being able to send the same message to different objects and get different results. Let’s look at a few different ways to achieve this.

Polymorphism using Inheritance

From our previous example, if we have defined a method called eatin our parent class Animal, which we are again using in our child class Dog. Note the use of keyword super in our child class. The use of keyword super denotes that when a method with arguments is overridden by one of its child classes then a call to super without any argument in the child method will automatically pass the arguments of the child method to the parent method.

Polymorphism using Duck-Typing

Duck Typing is a funny notion. As James Whitcomb Riley said it :

When I see a bird that walks like a duck and swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck.

Rather than having to check that an object is of a specific type, all we are concerned about is that the object can answer to a method call in a specific context. So in our previous example tommy would woof if we called speak and kitty would meow.


Abstraction can be thought of as a natural extension of encapsulation. Applying abstraction means that each object should only expose a high-level mechanism for using it. This mechanism should hide internal implementation details. It should only reveal operations relevant for the other objects. Preferably, this mechanism should be easy to use and should rarely change over time. Think of it as a small set of public methods which any other class can call without “knowing” how they work.


In programming world it’s often how we think about a particular problem that causes it not to work as we expected! For example, a method can never be an instance or a class, instead a method is accessible via instance or class. Let’s take this instance :

So, why did it throw an error, there is definitely a method called instance_method. What’s happening here? Actually ruby is searching for a class method, because ruby will read it as self.instance_method Here self is the “class” itself, hence the error. Keep in mind that Class methods do not have access to instance methods or instance variables. However instance methods can access both class methods and class variables.



Anjali Jaiswal
The Startup

Programmer, avid Reader, artist, exploring different trades, fun-loving, adventurous and most of the time a hell-yes person!