Client Compatibility: How to Attract the Work You Really Want to Do

Every business owner knows a great client when we find one.

Amy K Stanton
The Startup


via Shutterstock

Every business owner knows a great client when we find one.

Great clients stand out from the crowd. They respect the work we do. They pay on time. They show up for planned calls and meetings. They know what they do know and what they don’t know — and understand they’re hiring you for your input and direction. They are all about managing expectations or having their own expectations managed. And most of all, they’re polite, personable, and a joy to work with.

If we are in the services industry, we’ve undoubtedly worked with clients that are the opposite of great clients, and we know it’s an unpleasant experience for all parties involved.

So what is it that separates a client that’s great from one that’s not-so-great? And what’s the impact of working with great clients (and not-so-great clients) on the business itself?

The key to running a long-term, successful, profitable business is client compatibility.

The better you get at spotting and attracting who you know will be your ideal clients, and simultaneously taking action to avoid working with difficult ones…



Amy K Stanton
The Startup

Founder & CEO, Stanton & Company. Co-author of The Feminine Revolution.