Climate Activism for the Graphic Designer 101

After The Climate Strike, how can designers keep the momentum moving and growing?

Eric Benson
The Startup
Published in
5 min readSep 23, 2019


Photo by Markus Spiske

Beyond your professional design life, there is a lot you can do in your public and personal life to improve the world. If you live in a democracy, vote. Vote specifically to uplift your value system in combination with improving the greater good for the rest of us. (If you’re not registered to vote in the US, is the place to go before you read anymore of the article!)

Vote with your pocketbook as well. What you decide to purchase (or not to purchase) has an impact. Support groups and companies that align with your values and together help design the world you want to live in. (This is called the ecocene.)

You can also vote with your pocket book by donating to a non-profit that promotes and/or is active in helping a cause, the planet, or group of people that you also support personally. You should also be active using your creative skill sets by starting your own personal projects for a cause or tithing your design skills to a non-profit that is need of help. A great example of the latter is the Grant for Good program.

Activism for Climate Action



Eric Benson
The Startup

Associate Professor and Chair of Graphic Design at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Co-founder of Re-nourish & Fresh Press Agri-Fiber Paper Lab.