Coding Challenge Interview

The Startup
Published in
6 min readSep 26, 2020



The coding challenge is a very common step in developer interviews. This step usually comes before or after the technical interview and can be done in two forms.

In the first form, the recruiter sends you a description of the coding challenge via email or another means and asks you to solve it on your own, from home. With this approach, they usually tell you how long they expect the coding challenge would take to be solved; but most of the time there is no hard limit on how much time you can spend on it. Especially, if you want to go the extra mile by doing some extra improvements.

The second strategy for the recruiter will be to have the coding challenge in the presence of some other developers in their office. There is a bit of more pressure on you as a candidate since you are expected to think on the spot and come up with a solution for the coding challenge. But I came to find that most of the recruiters mostly care about how you approach solving the problem, more than your final solution.

No matter which format the coding challenge comes in, there are few things to keep in mind for making a bigger impression on the recruitment team:

  • Try to host your final work on a website like Github: Nowadays, most of the dev teams are relying on git for managing their code. No matter how skilled you are, it is not so hard to push…

