Cold Pitching Is Not Outdated, You Just Do It All Wrong

This is how I changed up my cold pitches to sign $3000- $5000 clients

Francis Nayan
The Startup


Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

I believe you if you tell me that you’re just grateful to have a job you don’t absolutely hate. Or if you even don’t mind the monotony of your days and a job you’re no longer passionate about. Hell, I even believe that you gave up on building something huge and you’re just happy with your current situation.

I’ve been in all of those situations. But how about loving your job? Working for your wishlist companies? Would that be too farfetched?

Maybe so. But wouldn’t you be pissed if 20 years from now we learned that you could have found your dream job and your purpose if you only knew how to sell your skills just a little better?

Pitching for clients and selling yourself effectively is extremely important in the freelance world. But often getting a new gig is not even decided based on your skills. When you’re up against other talented folks, it will be up to your pitch and how you market yourself.

Old-School Cold Pitching and why it doesn’t work

We all heard the stories about freelancers advertising themselves to unsuspecting clients. This method may or may not work but if you ever…



Francis Nayan
The Startup

Former addict turned lifestyle freelance copywriter. 25+ countries. $10m sold. Writing on mindset, digital nomadism, and freelancing ➡️