Commit to a Side Hustle or Quit? Answer These 4 Questions to Decide.

Learn how to know if a side hustle has outlived its usefulness.

U-Ming Lee
The Startup


Photo by Nicola Barts on Pexels.

Side hustles are like poker hands. You have to know when to hold and when to fold.

Holding on to a bad side hustle is like holding on to a deuce-seven offsuit.

If you’re fortunate, you might be able to get away with something. Most of the time, you’re better off just ditching it and moving on.

But, unlike in poker, where a quick glance at your cards will tell you whether you have a good or bad hand, you may need to look a little closer to see if a side hustle is right for you.

I’ve burned through quite a few side hustles in my 14 years of freelancing. In that time, I’ve distilled the process of evaluating a side hustle’s attractiveness into a 4-question checklist.

A yes to all of these questions suggests that the side hustle is a keeper. A single “no” doesn’t rule out the side hustle completely.

But answering “no” to more than two of these questions suggests you need to exercise caution. It’s a sign that your side hustle has a limited shelf life and should be killed when it’s outlived its usefulness.



U-Ming Lee
The Startup

I write about business, finance, and freelancing life. | How to contact me: