Companies That Dropped Degree Requirements Are Lying to You

Many companies hire college-educated workers even if a degree is not required.

Luay Rahil
The Startup


Group Of People Studying Together
Photo by Ivan Samkov

Corporate America is not telling you the truth.

In the last ten years, there has been an increase in the number of roles that do not require a college degree. This is due to a shift towards "skills-based" hiring by companies.

However, a new report by The Burning Glass Institute and Harvard Business School highlights that changing hiring practices is the real challenge that companies face because even when employers drop degree requirements, most aren't changing who gets hired.

Let's look at the numbers.

The report found that just one in 700 US hires benefited from these policy shifts, and almost all of the benefits came at just 37% of firms that made progress. The rest either talked a good game but did little or made some progress, only to backslide later.

Last year, several firms announced that they no longer require a college degree for many job positions. However, despite their promises, more than 50% of companies prioritize hiring candidates with a college degree, even if the job role doesn't call for it.



Luay Rahil
The Startup

I write engaging content on business and leadership development.