Comprehensive Notes For Java 8 Features Every Developer Must Have

Java SE 15 was released in September 2020 with a bundle of features but still, Java 8 features are one of the most important ones.

Vivek Naskar
The Startup


Photo by Mike Kenneally on Unsplash

Recently, Java SE 15 was released on September 2020 with a bundle of features. It is likely to get a new version again in March 2021 as per the official blog by Oracle.

But still, March 18, 2014, is embarked as one of the most significant days in the history of Java as version 8 was released.

The features of version 8 changed the way developers code in Java. Even today, a Java developer is asked about the features of Java 8.

Disclaimer: Oracle no longer provides free support for Java 8. AdoptOpenJDK will provide free public updates for their version of Java 8 until at least September 2023, Oracle has already dropped free support for their JDK. Hence, a new Java developer must start with OpenJDK 11.

Lambda Expressions

This was the most anticipated feature of Java 8. But why? Simply because it made Java closer to functional programming. Functional interfaces had been introduced in Java 8. The interfaces having just one abstract method is a functional interface. @FunctionalInterface



Vivek Naskar
The Startup

A software developer by the day and a writer by the night!