Conflict Management Is of Global Importance Today

The future of humanity depends on our ability, our willingness to “be kind” to each other during conflict

Paul Myers MBA
The Startup


Satirical image of two toys boxing — Conflict Management is of Global Importance Today by Paul Myers
Photo by Frank Busch on Unsplash

According to Buelens et al (2002), conflict is an unavoidable/inevitable aspect of modern life.

The following trends conspire to make organizational conflict inevitable:

  • Greater employee diversity
  • Constant change
  • Greater employee diversity
  • Less reliance on hierarchy
  • More teams: virtual and self-managed
  • More value-laden workplace topics
  • Agile and dynamic careers

The above are underpinned with the backdrop of a global economy with increasing cross-cultural dealings. According to Morgan (1986):

Conflict will always be present in organizations, (it) may be personal, interpersonal, between rival groups or coalitions. It may be built into organizational structures, roles, attitudes and stereotypes or arise over a scarcity of resources.



Paul Myers MBA
The Startup

Top writer in Business, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Startups & Innovation. Interested in all things E-commerce and more ---