Consume SOAP Web Services With Spring Boot

Consume web services with Spring Boot and Spring Web Services.

Somnath Musib
The Startup


Image Courtesy: Unsplash by Casey Horner

Spring Web services is an alternative way to develop document-driven, contract-first SOAP web services. One of the main reasons to use Spring-WS is that it has built-in Spring integration and features such as dependency injection.

In this article, we will demonstrate how to consume a soap web service with Spring boot.

What are we Building?

We are consuming a SOAP web service that provides Medium article details. This web service has only one operation named getArticle. The SOAP request message accepts an article ID of the article and returns the article details in the response. Following is the WSDL definition file:

Complete source code of the SOAP project can be found here.

Create a Spring Boot Project

Let us now create a new Spring Boot Project. We need to have a spring-boot-starter-web-services dependency. We also need…



Somnath Musib
The Startup

Software Developer, Cloud Architect | Author "Spring Boot In Practice" . Find more at