Build your next awesome project with

Continuous Integration • Continuous Delivery for Engineers

Day 15 • #100DaysOfCode

Dhananjay Trivedi
The Startup
Published in
4 min readOct 2, 2019


This is one of the hottest buzzwords out there in the field of Software Engineering so let’s understand what it is and how it is helping software engineers.

Let’s understand it with a simple example — There is a client which comes up with some complex requirements of a big system, and you give an estimate of one year to build it ready for production. But a lot can change in one year, the client’s requirements might end up changing (which always do) hence if you come at the end of the year with your production-ready system, all your hard work would be of no value to the client.

What could have been done here is to keep the client updated with continuous development work, where you are taking regular feedback from the client and are making the changes, and also to be able to plan for the next task as per the new requirements.

