Convert Your Javascript React App to TypeScript, the Easy Guide

Thomas Guibert
The Startup
Published in
8 min readNov 26, 2019


It’s been more than a year I’m using TypeScript in all my projects. Going back to a Javascript code base make me feel like a bull in a china shop. If I don’t know the project well, I might break it at any moment. My coworkers probably hate me at this point because I keep saying we should implement TypeScript in our project.

Most of the time, I would say the reason they doubt about the idea of moving to TypeScript is the lack of knowledge about it. Which results in a fear of technical debt and probably the scare of having too many new things to learn to feel proficient with TypeScript.

I can’t blame them! I was like this the day a colleague came to me to tell me we would have to use TypeScript from now on. I was like:

Meh, it works fine. Why should we make the code more complicated by adding types and weird stuff?

While converting a huge code base and learning all the features TypeScript brings could take a while and certainly won’t be done in a snap, it is really less scary as one might think.

Here are some answers to questions you might be asking yourself…

Will moving to TypeScript create legacy code?



Thomas Guibert
The Startup

Frontend engineer by day, ☀️ Aspiring Solidity engineer by night! 🌝 — Read more from me: