Covid19 and the new workplace culture

2 min readApr 6, 2020


I have really struggled with my videos these last few weeks. I have things to talk about but it feels futile in the current environment. I ask myself why is organisation culture important right now when we are over a 1m worldwide confirmed cases of covid19?

Photo by Pressmaster

I started self-isolating a week before the lock down started. These are truly unprecedented times. Who would have thought that something like this could happen to us in our lifetime? How many of you go back to your apocalypse movies to understand survival skills? (joke)

These are my insights and I am sure you will have yours:

  • Mental health, well-being and compassion are at the top of my list — if you employ staff then you should be thinking about the same. How are you supporting your workforce?
  • Will the act of furloughing staff create distrust between the employee and employer? What is the long term impact around this and how will you keep in touch with your employees during this time?
  • What is the quality of your communication? Are you sympathetic, engaging in your tone, personable? Or is your communication clinical and communicating only updated policies, what should or should not happen?
  • What solutions do your managers need to support them so they can lead their teams effectively? Not everyone is comfortable being on zoom — focusing on how they look online rather than the discussion at hand.
  • How are we defining productivity right now? Is it the same as when were in the office or has it changed because there are family members to look after or more pronounced mental health challenges?
  • And really practical — how are we managing and responding to the increase in cyber attacks — people working from home might reveal how exposed they are to cyber vulnerabilities because we are not set up in the same way we are at work — many people are likely working from the kitchen table rather than an office environment set up at home

I believe that the workplace environment will never be the same again:

  • Solutions to adapt to the environment right now are opportunities to work in a different way for the future
  • For how long can we sustain how we are working right now?
  • Do our managers need new skill sets to enable a greater level of remote working?
  • What technology do we need to ensure that we are fit for the future? and
  • What learning can we take from now, the decisions you have made in the recent past and the decisions you will need to make going forward?

What are your insights?




I am a culture consultant who also happens to be a hypnotherapist. My passion project is empowering women to heal their rape and sexual trauma #selfworth