Crack Leetcode 3: Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

There is a way to make it easy.

Christina Lalay
The Startup
5 min readNov 13, 2020


Sometimes they make it look hard, while in fact, there’s always a way you can easily understand. Today, we’ll crack leetcode 3 — Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters— together. Without further ado, let’s get started.

Problem Description:

(photo taken from Leetcode:


Step#1: two pointers:

We need to inspect the character in s one by one.

During the process, we use two pointers: start, and end, to indicate the current range we are inspecting.

Note that the end pointer also acts as our index pointer.

Then, we check if the character s[end] has repeats in our range [start, end) already. If NO, then for now our longestSubstring =(end - start)+1 .

If YES, then we need to narrow our range by moving start forward, until this character is outside of our range, and then we inspect the next character.

Step#2: dictionary:

For above idea, how do we check if a character has repeats in our range? The fastest way is to use a dictionary:

There is only one problem: what if the char is in dictionary, but not in our range?

There are two ways to solve it:

Solution #1:

All the time, we make sure that our dictionary only contains chars within our range [start, end).

That means, upon seeing a character with duplicates in our range, we need to do one more thing: update our dictionary by deleting data outside of our new range, so that the dictionary only contains characters within range [start, end).

— Python Code:


— Complexity Analysis:

#Time Complexity:

  • Best-Case:

Best case is when there’s no repeats in s. Then we only need to go over s once, and we do constant number of operations for each character. Therefore Best Case time complexity is O(N).

  • Worst-Case:

Worst case is when every character is a repeat in s. We still need to go over s once, and we do 2 more operations (delete in dict, move start) for each character, but that’s still a constant number of operations. Therefore Worst Case time complexity is O(N).

  • Average-Case:

sum up the expectations for all the possible cases, and when N->+oo, the sum can be described with O(N). Therefore the average time complexity is O(N).

#Space Complexity:

The auxiliary space is taken mainly by the dictionary. The maximum space it needs is number of distinct chars in s. Therefore space complexity = O(N).


Solution #2:

The dictionary still contains everything up to now, no deletion.

Instead, we check the index of this replica. If the index of this replica is not within range [start, end), then we consider it’s not in the dictionary, thus we can achieve the same result with solution #1.

For the example below:

a has a replica in dict. However, since dict[a]=0 < start_index which is 3, we say no replica exists in range [start, end), thus we just update its value, and update the current longestSubstring.

— Python Code:


— Complexity Analysis:

  • Time Complexity:

Same as above, O(N). Note that even though time complexity is the same with solution #1, the practical runtime is faster this way.

  • Space Complexity: same as above, O(N).

Solution #3:

This is a variation of solution#2. It has a different definition in the meaning of key-value pair.

Instead of storing the current index as value, we now save (current index+1), which means suppose this char found a replica in the future, then this is the position start pointer should go.

— Python Code:

And if we use a large array instead of dictionary for the same function, then we get this:

For the code above, the array called index, replaced the role of dictionary. For each char, the ascii code of this char acts as the key, and (current index +1) acts as value.

Since an array has no key-value pair, we just used the index in the array as key.

For example: a in string “abc”. if in dictionary, we add dict[a]=0, however with array, we say array[ascii code of a] = 0+1.


— Complexity Analysis:

  • Time Complexity: Same with above, O(N).
  • Space Complexity:

if we use dictionary, it’s same as above, O(N).

if we use a large array, then it’s constant space consumption, thus Space complexity is O(1).

The End:

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