Create a Simple Django Web App in 20 Minutes

Ordinary Coders
The Startup
Published in
14 min readMar 3, 2021


Django is a free and open-source web framework designed to quickly develop web apps.

Now you may be wondering what is a web app? Well, a web application is a website with added interactive features and functionality for site users.

What is the difference between a web app and a website?

Whereas a website only displays information in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, a web app allows for dialog between the site and the user using programming languages like Python and Java.

Features such as notifications after user submission, auto-generated feed content, and map widgets are all examples of web app functionality based on user interaction.

All of this sounds great, but how do you actually implement these features?

How does Django help make a web app?

Django, the self-designated “web framework for perfectionists with deadlines”, has many of these web app features already built-in, they just need to be imported into your project.

With Django, you get all of the functionality of a web app within a matter of hours.

Web development can seem complicated, but with the proper tool kit and set of instructions, you’ll learn…



Ordinary Coders
The Startup

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