Create, Deploy & Host React App For Free (GitHub Pages)

Dylan Williamson
The Startup
Published in
4 min readFeb 25, 2021

Deploying your very first React Application can seem like battling a brick wall, but it’s a wall that all developers need to break through sooner than later. There is an abundance of information floating around the internet, so you can consider this a straight-forward, beginner-friendly tutorial to get you up and running in as little time as possible; let’s do this!

First & Foremost…

If you haven’t already, you’ll need to follow the steps below to ensure we can create a GitHub Repository for our app and ultimately host it through GitHub!

  1. Create GitHub Account — Sign up here
  2. Configure Git Locally — Follow this
  3. Install Node.js — Refer to docs
  4. Install npm — Documentation

Okay, now you’re ready to create your Application!

Step 1 — Create Repo

We’re going to need to create a new GitHub Repository for our application to live (that isn’t local). You’re going to want to navigate to GitHub and click the green “New” button located in the top left corner.

GitHub Homepage

You can name the repository anything you like, but make sure to keep everything else the same as I have. You will not want to initialize it with any unnecessary files.

Step 2 — Create React App

If you haven’t already, you’re going to need to use npm’s create-react-app command. In this case, we will be naming our application “example-react-app” but you can name yours accordingly.

npx create-react-app <your-app-name>

for reference, in my case it translates to

npx create-react-app example-react-app

then cd into the root directory of the application

cd <your-app-name>

to confirm your React App is working, let’s deploy it locally!

npm start

if you see this in your browser, you’ve successfully created your React App!

For now you can safely stop the server using CTRL + C in the terminal

Default React Application

Step 3 — Configure GitHub Pages

Thankfully GitHub Pages is automatically made available to us by GitHub when we create a repository. With that being said, we still need to install GitHub Pages as a dev dependency.

npm install gh-pages — save-dev

we also need to update our package.json

we’re first going to add a homepage property


in my case, this would be the result

"homepage": "",

we also need to add predeploy and deploy commands in our scripts

"scripts": {
"predeploy": "npm run build",
"deploy": "gh-pages -d build"

once complete, your package.json should have the following additions

gh-pages configured package.json file

Step 4 — Push Changes To GitHub

Go back to your GitHub repository page and copy this line of code from your configuration instructions

GitHub repository configuration page

once copied, head back to your terminal

you’re going to paste and enter the code snippet you just copied followed by a couple other commands

git remote add origin<github-username>/<repository-name>.gitgit add .git commit -m”initial commit”git push

to confirm your changes have been pushed, refresh your GitHub repo page

GitHub Repository Page

our changes have been staged and pushed to our GitHub repo, nice!

Step 5 — Deploy Our App

Our configuration is officially complete and we only have one more thing to do, deploy our application!

npm run deploy

our deploy command will do two things for us

  1. It will run our predeploy script which is set to run npm build
  • npm build will create a production build for our application
  • this creates a build folder in our root directory which turns our app into something GitHub Pages can render

2. It will then run our deploy script which is set to run gh-pages -d build

  • gh-pages -d build will push our build folder to a new branch called gh-pages
  • GitHub pages will then use this branch to deploy our application

We can now check our deployment by navigating to url in the homepage section of our package.json which in our example is

let’s see what happens!

Deployed App Page

Congratulations, we’re live!

That’s it! You’ve officially deployed your application to GitHub Pages absolutely free, isn’t that awesome?

