Creating a Learning Culture isn’t just for the “Big Boys.”

Four Steps to Help Build Your Own Learning Culture

Laura Burford
The Startup


Photo by Jack Moreh from Freerange Stock

A few years ago, I was approached by a frustrated senior project manager who felt, as the saying goes, that he was neither fish or fowl. He had taken a position at a company that sounded great but realized he was not the right fit. After quitting the job, he went out on his own as a consultant, an independent worker. He quickly landed an engagement, but within weeks he recognized his role was one of a subcontractor.

He was taking orders and performing hands-on project work. No one was interested in his opinion, and he was not leveraging his knowledge or advisory skills. He enjoyed working as an independent worker, but he needed more stimulation and knew he needed to change perceptions before moving to his next gig. He wanted to be a “true consultant.” He wanted to known as trusted project management advisor.

His question to me was…

“How do I move up the consultant’s ladder and become recognized as a trusted advisor?”

(Not sure what I mean by the consultant’s ladder? Check out this YouTube Video.)



Laura Burford
The Startup

Leveraging her Consultant's Blueprint, Laura helps Consultants & Freelancers use their MAGIC-their expertise and experience-to build successful businesses.